Expanding Tekcapital services in Peru

Expanding Tekcapital services in Peru

Tekcapital was enthusiastic to announce they completed a strategic alliance agreement with Emprende UP, the incubator and accelerator platform of Universidad del Pacifico (UP), for expanding Tekcapital’s commercialization services in Peru.

Universidad del Pacífico (UP) is Peru’s leading Business School. Through Emprende UP, they have been securing seed funding and assisting a large number of start-up companies nationwide.

Tekcapital believes Peru is a rapidly growing market for the company’s technology transfer and commercialization services and that it will be a great opportunity for Tekcapital investments in new university-developed intellectual properties, to help universities quickly commercialize technologies.

Javier Salinas, Director of Emprende UP, commented on the alliance, “Our strategic alliance with Tekcapital will change the intellectual property landscape for universities and entrepreneurs in Peru”.